A More Prosperous Future

Today is International Women's Day.

Every woman has limitations and strengths.

As a group, we also face limitations and strengths. 

Recognizing both sides, where we need more help, and where we're strong enough, we are (both men and women) able to responsibly empower women more for a more prosperous future for the entire planet. 

These are extremely delicate subjects, and it's ironic to talk about avoiding extremes with extremely delicate subjects. However, it's a way to enlighten our perspective on some of the problems and issues involving women, their communities, their lifestyles, their contribution to the planet, and how we can help. 

If you're interested in learning more about what I want to say with this post, read this article: Women in Agriculture: Four Myths - ScienceDirect.

If you'd like to, read the conclusions. These approaches could be interesting for many different issues involving women.

Send me an email to girlene@braziliandietitian.com. I'd be curious to learn your perspective on these issues.


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